Replay Mod Forums

[Suggestion] - Scoreboard
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    • 3 forum posts

    Dec 23 15, 02:06 PM

    Hello Replay Mod Dev/Mods. I want to say that the mod is really good but, I don't understand why you are not adding the option to render the scoreboard. Lots of people are requesting for it. And I saw the comment a Dev posted that saying that it wouldn't be really hard to do that. Please consider this again. Seeing the scoreboard is more important then you think. For example, I really need it. And lots of other people may need it too. Also the chat rendering feature did come, too. Idk if the scoreboard is coming too, but please...

    I know this topic has been suggested before. But I just wanted to bring it up again and share my thoughts. Any chance to add scoreboard, etc. render?