I have two large +6MB replay files that are not displayed in the file list. The first one happened because Minecraft crashed. The second just did not appear to save when I exited the world. I don't have any crash logs I'm afraid. Unless the .log.gz files in the logs directory of the Minecraft folder would be helpful? I have them for the dates these replay files were created and can upload them.
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
ReplayMod version: 1.0.5-1e06d3f
Java Version: 8 Update 60
Additional Mods:
ShadersMod-v2.4.7mc1.8 (not running any shaders at the time these replays were recorded)
Here are the replays in question (11.5MB). By the way, I would appreciate any help in recovering them. They are important to a video project I'm working on.