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camera path correction
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    Oct 10 15, 12:48 AM | Last edited: Oct 10 15, 12:50 AM

    I found that when creating a camera path, if you have two position keyframes close to each other it makes the camera move in a weird way. like instead of going from one point straight to another it goes backwards and around which is annoying when you have to move them further apart and then it messes up the timing between the other points and you have to do everything all over again!!. I know about the cubic and linear interpolation but I want it to move smoothly rather than suddenly changing direction after reaching the next point.

    What if you could drag different parts to make minor corrections if the camera isnt quite going the way you want.
    e.g: on google maps if you plan a route from A to B you plot 2 points (2 position keyframes in this case) and then the blue line highlights the roads you should go down connecting A to B. but you can drag parts of the blue line to change how you get from A to B (adjusting how the camera moves between the keyframes).

    Sorry i'm not good with explanations...

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    Oct 12 15, 11:44 AM

    I'm quite sure that this is due to how Cubic Interpolation works. There is not much you can do about that other than changing from Cubic to Linear Interpolation.

    Switching the interpolations per Keyframe has already been discussed a while ago here.