Replay Mod Forums

Instant Replays
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    Sep 22 15, 01:21 AM

    A cool feature would be the ability to have instant replays. In the Replay Settings, there would be a button for "Instant Replay". How it works: When recording with the replay mod, you have to tell it ahead of time to record. Most of the time though, cool stuff happens when you least expect it. With instant replay, whenever you disconnect from a server/single player world, it would ask you if you would like to save a replay or discard it.

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    Sep 23 15, 05:36 AM

    You are able to record full sessions since you joined the world/server, and it ends once you disconnect from the world/server, so there is no need to have a feature to have it record ahead of time, and you can crop your replays afterwards anyways. And the option to disregard or save a replay could be a nice feature, however it isn't anything that should be highly focused on, since you can just as easily delete the replay footage when you disconnect from the server/world, and then go from there.