Replay Mod Forums

Rollercoaster Ride! 360°! 4K
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    Sep 21 15, 06:13 AM

    This took like 3 hours to render. 23GB. And about 6 hours to upload... Enjoy!

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    Sep 21 15, 02:36 PM

    Nice video. I love it. 23 GB is much. Good job.

    • Beta Tester
    • 37 forum posts

    Sep 21 15, 04:07 PM

    360° is awesome for rollercoasters & things like that.
    Great job!

    • Developer
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    Sep 21 15, 08:22 PM

    Would have been cooler with some fitting music. When re-rendering, it would've also saved you some storage space.

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    Sep 22 15, 12:11 AM

    Nice video, but adding music would have really helped it. I use ffmpeg to add music and recompress the video (the same program that replay mod uses to create the video).

    Use a command line like this:
    ffmpeg -i inVideo.mp4 -i inMusic.wav outVideo.mp4

    I'm not sure how your original video was 23GB. I've made some similar videos (riding a minecart line past various players bases, see my thread in this forum), one of which was about 8 minutes long and also 360 4K, and the original file was only 7.5 GB. After adding music and recompressing it was 3.1GB.

    • User
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    Sep 25 15, 01:59 AM

    Thanks for the replies! Sorry I'm late though!

    Idk why it was 23 GB, and my last attempt I rendered it in 4k and compressed it, but it compressed to 1920x1080 and it just didn't go well...

    Thanks TroZ100 for the command, this is mine:
    -y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT% -r %FPS% -i - -an -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p "%FILENAME%.mp4"
    I just copy pasted it without looking through it.

    @User1 I know... I might compress it and add music, then re-upload it. Or add some lame YouTube music to it.