Nice video, but adding music would have really helped it. I use ffmpeg to add music and recompress the video (the same program that replay mod uses to create the video).
Use a command line like this:
ffmpeg -i inVideo.mp4 -i inMusic.wav outVideo.mp4
I'm not sure how your original video was 23GB. I've made some similar videos (riding a minecart line past various players bases, see my thread in this forum), one of which was about 8 minutes long and also 360 4K, and the original file was only 7.5 GB. After adding music and recompressing it was 3.1GB.
Idk why it was 23 GB, and my last attempt I rendered it in 4k and compressed it, but it compressed to 1920x1080 and it just didn't go well...
Thanks TroZ100 for the command, this is mine:
-y -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s %WIDTH%x%HEIGHT% -r %FPS% -i - -an -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast -qp 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p "%FILENAME%.mp4"
I just copy pasted it without looking through it.
@User1 I know... I might compress it and add music, then re-upload it. Or add some lame YouTube music to it.