Replay Mod Forums

Travelling back in time is buggy
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    Sep 02 15, 10:21 PM | Last edited: Sep 02 15, 10:21 PM

    When you travel back in time, there are two bugs:
    First thing is that sometimes the terrain gets invisible, even if it is the same terrain as already shown and only the player was moving a bit.
    Second thing is that when I watch the famous Nether replay and travel back in time at the end to a few seconds before (from overworld back to nether), I sometimes get stuck in a loading screen. A debug crash while enjoying the loading screen produces the following:

    Spoiler: Debug Crash


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    Sep 04 15, 11:44 AM

    Could you provide the replay and times to jump from/to for both bugs?

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    Sep 05 15, 11:04 PM

    For the first bug: (direct link: replaymod://1253)
    Open the replay, play it for round about 5 seconds, scroll back to second 0 (or as far as you can scroll back), hit b, hit HvMythenmetz (By the way: Sometimes, there are suddenly 2*HvMythenmetz in the list), hit play and enjoy seeing nothing than the sky.
    For the second bug: By "famous nether replay" I ment the replay I used to show an other bug a few days ago: (direct link: replaymod://541). I think it occurs when you click on the timeline on the exact position of the time where I enter (or leave) the nether. For finding it, just open the replay, pause it, go to 25 seconds and move the cursor on the timeline a pixel further again and again until you see the loading screen. If you miss the point and are in the nether, just go back in time until you find the point.