Howdy, here are suggestions:
- try to keep a subject in the center as much a possible when filming during not transition periods, so we the viewer has a place to focus attention.
- don't be afraid of the close up right at player level. You had 2-3 good ones after the 3min mark but the beginning was dis-orienting to what was going on with all the broad camera angles. You don't need 3 mins of establishing shots.
- Epic music is only epic for short times. a loop of epic music can get irritating
- Praise: You made good use of speeding up / slowing down time and camera tilts
- lastly don't cover the entire screen with text unless you intent to dim, desaturate or blur the background. You don't want duel focal points and may I suggest a new font maybe a serif with a script for emphasis. Remember you are controlling the viewers eye with the camera and need to guide it from focal points to focal points to tell your story.
How this helps. Great start!