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Confused on how the time works
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    Aug 19 15, 12:54 AM

    If I set the position and time keyframes at 0:00 and 0:05, the path will take 5 seconds. But if I set it to 0:00 and 0:30, the path takes 30 seconds, except time moves way slower. It doesn't last until 30 seconds into the replay, the path just lasts 30 seconds. I'm pretty confused how the keyframes work, the tutorial only covered position keyframes. I know they talked about time keyframes but there was never a cinematic shot like there was for positions. I was thinking that the distance between the position keyframes would be how long it would take to complete that path, and then the distance between the time keyframes would be what times that path is displaying. But this is not the case of course, as otherwise time would not slow down the longer I set the keyframes apart. Any help?

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    Aug 19 15, 01:02 AM

    Also on a sidenote, what's the command to exit a player's POV?

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    in response to User5830


    Aug 19 15, 02:05 AM | Last edited: Aug 19 15, 02:07 AM

    If I set the position and time keyframes at 0:00 and 0:05, the path will take 5 seconds. But if I set it to 0:00 and 0:30, the path takes 30 seconds, except time moves way slower. It doesn't last until 30 seconds into the replay, the path just lasts 30 seconds. I'm pretty confused how the keyframes work, the tutorial only covered position keyframes. I know they talked about time keyframes but there was never a cinematic shot like there was for positions. I was thinking that the distance between the position keyframes would be how long it would take to complete that path, and then the distance between the time keyframes would be what times that path is displaying. But this is not the case of course, as otherwise time would not slow down the longer I set the keyframes apart. Any help?

    Lets give an example to understand this better (hopefully)

    If you are at 0:20 in your Replay File (upper timeline) and you click at 0:05 in the lower one, then hit the time keyframe it is going to take 5 seconds to play between 0:00 and 0:20 (this would be very fast).
    Same of course for the opposite: upper timeline at 0:05 seconds and lower one at 0:20,hit the Time keyframe button. Now it will take 20 seconds to play the replay between 0:00 and 0:05 (very slow).

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    Also on a sidenote, what's the command to exit a player's POV?


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    Aha, thank you for the shift thing. Also regards to the timeline, thank you, this helps MUCH more. So you're saying that the cinematic thing will start at 0 seconds no matter what? If the shot I want is between seconds 33 and 37, I would just put a time keyframe at 37 and one at 33 and it would work out then?

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    Aha, thank you for the shift thing. Also regards to the timeline, thank you, this helps MUCH more. So you're saying that the cinematic thing will start at 0 seconds no matter what? If the shot I want is between seconds 33 and 37, I would just put a time keyframe at 37 and one at 33 and it would work out then?

    If you put two time keyframes:
    - 0:00 (bottom) when at 0:33 in the replay (top)
    - 0:04 (bottom) when at 0:37 in the replay (top)
    then the cinematic will be 4 seconds (because the last timestamp in the bottom timeline is at 0:04) and will start (0:00) at 0:33 in the replay with normal speed (4 secs in both timelines).
    If you were to change the second bottom keyframe to 0:08 and leave everything as it, the video would be twice as slow because 4 secs in the replay (top timeline) happen in 8 secs of the cinematic (bottom timeline).