Replay Mod Forums

[French] My FeedBack On the ReplayMod
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    Aug 18 15, 02:56 PM

    Salut tout le monde, j'me présente , Voxily, je vais attaquer directement le sujet, à savoir, mon opinion sur ce mod que j'attendais énormément, à savoir, le ReplayMod.

    Déjà, il faut savoir que je possède une très petite configuration (2GB de RAM, processeur 1.5ghz x2 pour ne citer que ça).
    Ayant passé mon PC sous Lubuntu (distribution légère sous Linux), je parvient juste à jouer à un nombre de FPs suffisant.
    Or, voilà plusieurs mois (depuis plus d'un an) (j'avais déjà lancé une chaine y'a un an, mais j'ai dû y mettre à terme car je ne dépassait pas les 10FPs en rec) je souhaite faire des vidéos, pour montrer mes meilleurs moments à mes amis, mes pillages de factions sur les autres serveurs par exemple, ou simplement pour report les hackeurs. Néamoins, avec ma configuration, je me suis vite rendu compte que ça n'allais pas être possible (10FPs en rec comme dit plus haut).
    Je suis l'actualité du ReplayMod depuis quelques mois, et rien que le fait de pouvoir filmer "sans lags", ça m'a bien hypé.

    Voilà maintenant mon opinion : les deux premiers jours après la sortie du Mod, j'ai été très perturbé, et assez déçu.
    Je voyait ça personnellement comme un Fraps de Minecraft, mais ça m'apparentait à un "mod pour timelaps".
    J'ai passé une journée entière à suivre des tutoriels et à bidouiller dans l'éditeur de replay pour trouver comment faire pour "Filmer son personnage comme si l'on jouais en jeu", filmer ce que je voyait à l'écran, comme fraps le ferait. En effet, ce n'était pas très simple d'utilisation, mais après avoir un peu plus cherché avec les moments et les clés spectateurs, j'y suis parvenu. Je repproche donc ce côté un peu trop "pro" au mod et pas assez "user friendly"

    Ensuite, les jours suivant, aujourd'hui compris, je me suis rendu compte que ce mod n'allais pas me convenir.
    Impossible de filmer des PvP 1c1, la cause, les déplacement trop smoothés, "robotisés" comme aurelien_sama aurait dit.
    Deuxièmement, l'absence de l'inventaire, c'était encore plus décevant, je comprend que le mod enregistre tout sous métadonnés, mais il est réellement impossible de filmer en parallèle ses coeurs (sa hotbar) et la mettre ensuite sur le Replay ? J'ai essayé avec différents logiciels de montage "d'incruster" la hotbar filmé séparémment sur mon replay, en vain.

    Voilà mon opinion sur ce mod, j'attend pour le moment une update qui corrigerait ces soucis, pour l'instant, je suis certain que ce mod a un très très grand potentiel, mais malheureusement, ce n'est toujours pas le "remplacent de Fraps", comme certains me l'ont affirmés.
    D'ici là, je me contente de faire des timelaps en SkyWars, c'est déjà vraiment sympa ^^'

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    Aug 18 15, 04:45 PM

    I do not speak French nor is this forum multilingual. However I've stuffed it into Google Translate (the result wasn't too great) and can now tell you the following:
    As for the hotbar, simply 'filming the hotbar in parallel' would work, however stands in direct opposition to how any other part of this mod works. It does not record video field, nor does it take screenshots, it doesn't even remember the position of your mouse nor which keys you pressed. Therefore as of now it does not show GUI to the user.
    Replacing a video recording software is simply not within the scope of this project. What kind of replay is within the scope of this project then? Imagine you'd have a secondary account on every server/world you visit and you can record from that account but you get to choose the position of that camera afterwards and infinitely often.

    I'd like to thank you however that you did take the time to write such a long thread.
    If I didn't answer to one of your points then that's because Google Translate couldn't translate it good enough for me to understand (e.g. this is what Google gives me: Can not shoot 1v1 PvP, cause, smoothes travel too, "robotic" aurelien_sama looked like. - No idea what that could mean).

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    in response to User10


    Aug 18 15, 08:57 PM | Last edited: Aug 18 15, 08:58 PM

    I do not speak French nor is this forum multilingual. However I've stuffed it into Google Translate (the result wasn't too great) and can now tell you the following:
    As for the hotbar, simply 'filming the hotbar in parallel' would work, however stands in direct opposition to how any other part of this mod works. It does not record video field, nor does it take screenshots, it doesn't even remember the position of your mouse nor which keys you pressed. Therefore as of now it does not show GUI to the user.
    Replacing a video recording software is simply not within the scope of this project. What kind of replay is within the scope of this project then? Imagine you'd have a secondary account on every server/world you visit and you can record from that account but you get to choose the position of that camera afterwards and infinitely often.

    I'd like to thank you however that you did take the time to write such a long thread.
    If I didn't answer to one of your points then that's because Google Translate couldn't translate it good enough for me to understand (e.g. this is what Google gives me: Can not shoot 1v1 PvP, cause, smoothes travel too, "robotic" aurelien_sama looked like. - No idea what that could mean).

    Thanks for the answer, and sorry , i was too lazy to write it in english.

    About the translation " Can not shoot 1v1 PvP, cause, smoothes travel too, "robotic" aurelien_sama looked like."

    Difficult to explain, but i'll try :
    When you see on the replay, the mouse movement are "smoothed", so, when you record a pvp, it doesn't look like real because of that.
    In other words, the mouse isn't like it should be in the replay ^^ Instead moving it like i did when i played, it move it like it was a "robot" ^^ difficult to explain sorry, i'll try to make 2 videos to see the difference tommorow ^^

    Thanks you, a last question : In future updates, will it be possible for the mod to record the hotbar (hearth) and the inventory?

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    Aug 18 15, 09:02 PM

    Because Johni isn't available right now, I'll answer for him:

    The Server does not send the client (your Minecraft Game) information about other Player's inventories, therefore we can't record them for all Players. As we are currently aiming to treat every Player in the Replay equally, we won't add this Feature for the recording player, even if we could. It was never the Replay Mod's goal to replace normal recording software, just to allow for awesome cinematic shots.

    Regarding the smooth Camera Movements while Spectating: This is because the Server only tells you about a Player's Head Rotation up to 20 times a second, and Minecraft automatically smoothly interpolates between these head Rotations. If there was no interpolation, it'd look really jerky (as if you had a bad computer only running 20FPS).