Please give us further information about your problem. In order to comprehend your problem, please upload your ReplayFile with a Path Preset so we can test it ourselves.
Do you use any other mods? If so, try to uninstall them one by one until the problem is resolved. If that does resolve the problem please also tell us which mod is the incompatible one so we can add it to the compatibility list.
Not using any mods expect forge and the replay mod
here is the raw replay file
here is the rendered video file
and I set the camera to be always on me by pressing b
Aug 18 15, 09:18 PM | Last edited: Aug 18 15, 09:18 PM
and I set the camera to be always on me by pressing b Pressing B won't allow you to spectate your Player. Please refer to the documentation to see how you can use spectator keyframes.
Yeah I know I added 2 spector clips at different points of the video as well as 2 time keyframes that were both set at 1.00x speed that were speculating my player, is there something I could of done wrong?
Doesn't matter figured it out
i was telling it to do 2 secs of footage in 6 minutes lol sry thks for helping anyway manuelgu's post hinted towards my problem thks again