Replay Mod Forums

Distance Players
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    Aug 17 15, 07:32 PM

    Can we change the settings of this mod so that we can see others players from farest away.
    I would like to do a replay of an uhc with different points of view but i'm limited by the rendre distance : i can't see others players on my record if there are too far.

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    Aug 17 15, 07:44 PM

    You can only record the chunks that are around you. Thats due to how Minecraft Servers send you only Packets for things that happen around your character.

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    Aug 18 15, 10:12 AM

    I had this problem, too. If you want to see players they're far away, simply increase your render distance. It would be lag, but you can see the players they're far away from you in the replay.

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    Aug 18 15, 03:22 PM

    Ho, thank you for that.
    I do not understand why the render of the map was taller than render the players.
    Probably had to server settings
    [ Excuse me for my english, I'm french ;) ]