Replay Mod Forums

Crash (Report Included)
    • User
    • 16 forum posts

    Nov 26 19, 07:22 AM

    This happened after I went to go view a recording through the homepage

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // My bad.

    Time: 11/26/19 2:21 PM
    Description: Unexpected error

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
    at com.replaymod.replay.gui.screen.GuiOpeningReplay.func_146269_k(
    at com.replaymod.replay.InputReplayTimer.func_74275_a(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
    at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
    at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(

    A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

    -- System Details --
    Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
    Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
    Java Version: 1.8.0_51, Oracle Corporation
    Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
    Memory: 424441720 bytes (404 MB) / 671088640 bytes (640 MB) up to 4294967296 bytes (4096 MB)
    JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx4G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
    AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
    IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 7, allocated: 13, tallocated: 95
    FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_E7 12 mods loaded, 12 mods active
    States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
    UCHIJA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.7.10-
    UCHIJA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.7.10-
    UCHIJA PlayerAPI{1.4} [Player API] (minecraft.jar)
    UCHIJA FastCraft{1.25} [FastCraft] (fastcraft-1.25.jar)
    UCHIJA itemcounter{1.0} [ItemCounter Mod] ([1.7.10] ItemCounter Mod.jar)
    UCHIJA Powns' CheatbreakerHud{1.0} [Powns' CheatbreakerHud] ([1.7.10] Powns CheatbreakerHud - 1.0.jar)
    UCHIJA ToggleSneak{3.0} [ToggleSneak] ([1.7.10] Powns ToggleSneak Edit.jar)
    UCHIJA IngameAccountSwitcher{bp1.7.10(} [In-Game Account Switcher] (In-Game Account Switcher bp1.7.10(
    UCHIJA replaymod{1.7.10-2.2.0-b7} [Replay Mod] (replaymod-1.7.10-2.2.0-b7.jar)
    UCHIJA replaymod-restrictions{1.7.10-2.2.0-b7} [Replay Mod - Restrictions] (replaymod-1.7.10-2.2.0-b7.jar)
    UCHIJA voxelmap{1.7.10} [VoxelMap No Radar] (VoxelMap-No-Radar-Mod-1.7.10.jar)
    GL info: ' Vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' Version: '4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.20' Renderer: 'GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2'
    Launched Version: 1.7.10-Forge10.13.4.1614-1.7.10
    LWJGL: 2.9.1
    OpenGL: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.20, NVIDIA Corporation
    GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
    Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.
    Anisotropic filtering is supported and maximum anisotropy is 16.
    Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.

    Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
    Type: Client (map_client.txt)
    Resource Packs: [!Dynamic Duo RedBlue, Map Overlay]
    Current Language: English (US)
    Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
    Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
    Anisotropic Filtering: Off (1)
    OptiFine Version: OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_E7
    Render Distance Chunks: 16
    Mipmaps: 4
    Anisotropic Filtering: 1
    Antialiasing: 0
    Multitexture: false
    Shaders: null
    OpenGlVersion: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.20
    OpenGlRenderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2
    OpenGlVendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    CpuCount: 12