(i copied pasted, and gave the specified info.)
- Crash log (Preferrably either in [spoiler] tags or pasted to pastebin)
- If you have no crash log (or even if you do), paste the following:
- Your OS (Mac/Windows/etc) including architecture (32x/64x): Windows 10 64Bits / 64x
- Version of Forge: 1.8.9-forge1.8.9-
- Version of Java: Java 8 Update 221 (8.0.2210.11)
- What other mods you have installed. here: http://prnt.sc/pw1ykk
-Also try indicate what triggers the bug/crash. pressing t in replay.
-If the crash/bug only occurs on a specific replay, upload the replay file and link it in your thread. No.
-If you have uploaded a replay file, include a time-stamp (or preferably an event marker) so that the devs know where to skip to. No, Because I Don't Have One.
-If possible, include screenshots and/or video footage (try keep it short and to the point) I Couldn't record. crash..