Replay Mod Forums

More replay time
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    Sep 07 19, 03:32 PM


    So unless this is a bug, my replay which lasts 1 hour and 12 minutes stops at 59 minutes, and can't go beyond that. I think this is very unpractical for timelapses, so I would love to be able to replay the whole recording!

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    Sep 07 19, 03:39 PM

    If you're referring to the top ("replay") timeline, then that's a bug. The theoretical limit for replays is somewhere around 31 days which should be plenty.
    If you're referring to the bottom ("video") timeline, then you're misunderstanding how it works and should read up on time keyframes.

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    Sep 07 19, 04:48 PM

    Oh, in that case, it's indeed a bug, because it's about the replay timeline. Shall I create a bug report thread with pictures?

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    Sep 07 19, 05:04 PM

    Just uploading the replay to some file sharing site should do.
    Also, if there's a replay with the same name in ".minecraft/replay_recordings/raw", upload that as well.

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    Sep 07 19, 06:08 PM

    Here it is:

    By the way, thanks for such a quick responding, this is really awesome.

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    Sep 07 19, 06:17 PM | Last edited: Sep 07 19, 06:17 PM

    "By the way, thanks for such a quick responding, this is really awesome."
    Uhm, I'm sorry in advance, since I've now got all the input I need, I'll now be putting this on my todo pile and that pile has grown quite a bit since the last time I worked on it.

    Based on the fact that there's a raw file and that the raw file is larger than the other one, I'm guessing this is an issue with the Replay Editor (which is also powering the start/stop/pause/resume recording feature).
    If that's the case, then you should be able to just use the file from the raw folder instead (by just moving it one folder up). It won't have the start/stop/pause/resume changes applied but it'll at least be complete.