Hello Replay Mod Community,
Currently working on a 180VR project that will ultimately go up on youtube and I'm currently having issues with the rendering process.
Current Versions and mods:
ffmpeg 4.1.3
MultiMC 5 - Version 0.6.6-1341
Minecraft 1.14.3
Fabric 1.4.8+build.157
Fabric api 0.3.0+build.198
OptiFine 1.14.3 HD U F2 MOD
Optifabric 0.4.3
Replaymod 1.14.3-2.2.0-b6
Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1.22 High
Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1.22 Extreme-VL
So, followed the video guide Crushed Pixel made on making VR renders. On a very beefy gaming computer, using ODS rendering, set to 180* gave me a normal Stereoscopic Equirectangular (Normal) render. (See Fig 1)
BUT, with the shaders enabled, I got a strange cubic-like (Cubic-like) rendering instead. (See Fig 2).
I have tried various other shaders (SEUS, KUDA, BSL) and got the same Cubic-Like rendering consistently every time. I have tested with Sildurs Vibrant Shaders v1.22 High set to the lowest settings possible, God Rays off, Motion Blur off, Waving Objects off, Bloom off, Reflections off, etc. Same Result. Tried it on all 3 of the computers we originally played with (exact same build and install), Same Result.
So my questions are:
Has anyone seen this before?
Am I doing something wrong or are shaders incompatible with 180 ODS rendering?
Are there specific shader settings I should be using?
Is the resulting Cubic-like usable, and if so, how should I be setting up the project in Premiere?
In the interest of time, I rendered out the footage with no shaders to get going on editing the project by my deadline, but I would love to re-render it all out with the beautiful shaders the original players experienced.
One thing to note is that I had a strange render interaction on one of the user's replays, where, while rendering a player in first person with no shaders, it rendered ODS normally for a good 15 minutes, then suddenly, mid video, kept switching back and forth between Normal and Cubic-like, before being stuck in Cubic-like until the player interacted with an object about a minute later (loose items on the floor were scooped up) and it set back to Normal for the remainder of the render.
Finally, aside from this issue, this Mod is amazing. Thank you very much for all your hard work making something like this possible!
[EDIT - image fixes]