Is this issue any different on 2.1.4 (both during path playback and during render)?
I remember putting various workarounds in place to combat this issue as far as possible (it's unfortunately fairly fundamental to how the RM works). However, it's been a while, I'm not using the mod myself and people have a tendency to never report such issues, so it might have stopped working at some point (possibly even before 2.1.4).
This is very different in 2.1.4,
the player doesn't even show up at all in 2.1.4. (Both during playback and render)
The player sometimes appears throughout the whole playback & render, re-playing the replay a second time fixed the issue on 2.1.4. Oddly enough 2.1.4 fixed the above issue, was there a change to how packets were read in order to fix the player not appearing in the first replay playback?
Edit: The issue still occurs after some more testing in 2.1.4, it happens if I start at a different point in replay other than the first point