Jan 08 19, 11:48 PM | Last edited: Jan 08 19, 11:50 PM
I have everything installed correctly, but when I add everything back into the folders (mods, resourcepacks, shaders) the replay mod disapears. I don't know what could be causing this, but without all of the top things, replay mod works! But majority of my mods are needed to avoid world corruption from missing objects.
Minecraft loads fine but with all my mods and such, its like I don't even have Replay Mod
Minecraft Specs:
Version - 1.10.2
Mod Loader: Forge-1.10.2-
Given RAM: 7gb
Replay Mod Specs:
Computer Specs:
Processor - Intel Core i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Ram - 32GB (31.8 Usable)
System Type: Windows 10 64x operating system