So I recorded me build something in shaders, im estimating 1h 25 mins
Primarily, when i exited out of the server i was recording on, about 2 - 3 people on, I thought it was normal for it to take a few minutes on big recordings, same thing happened earlier with a 16 minute video, took 1 to 2 minutes. But it just wasn't showing up
So i noticed there was a folder instead of the .mcpr file. It then went to this folder called "changes" and then had a bunch of files in that folder, one being 1.23 GB but it wasnt a .mcpr
I copied this file that was 1.23 GB just incase anything went wrong because i thought it might be important, and then closed minecraft. When i re-opened it, it told me that it didn't save properly, and asked me if i wanted to recover this recording. So i clicked "yes", and then that folder was replaced with a .mcpr file that is now 60 MB, which is alot more reasonable
**side note: when i try to paste 1.23 GB file it tells me that I can't because some parts of it are missing**
But the Replay in relation to the 60 MB .mcpr file won't show up in the replay videos menu, so i'm wondering what's wrong.
link to .mcpr: