Replay Mod Forums

Cubic Spline I. does weird camera paths.
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    Jul 05 18, 03:17 PM

    I was doing a camera path with catmull Interpolator, but it seems to stop slowly when the camera is coming to the next point. So I read on the forums that the Cubic Spline Interpolator does smooth camera paths during all points, but when I put thi interpolator on my points it does strange and weird paths. The thing that I want to do is to create a smooth camera path without stopping slowly when the camera is coming to another point (when I use Catmull Interpolator), but I don't know what happens with the Cubic S. I.
    (Sorry for possible grammar errors, I don't speak english.)

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    Jul 07 18, 02:58 PM

    I am not sure what you mean but I will try to help.

    Without the interpolators the camera path is a series of points joined by lines. If you change to "Linear" interpolation this is basically what you get. It can be used for forcing the camera to hit the keyframe position exactly and/or forcing it to stop dead without "wobbling".

    The interpolators take your camera path of points and lines and try to manipulate a complicated mathematical curve series to pass through each point. When you have points close together this can force the camera path into strange loops and wobbles.

    Try using "H" to see your camera path in space. This may help you to add more points to the path so you can get the interpolator to create a more desirable path.

    If what you are worried about is the camera velocity through space, try using Time Keyframes only at the beginning and end of the path. Then try arranging your camera Position Keyframes on the timeline so that the time between PKs is proportionate to the distance between them in space.

    I hope this helps.


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    Jul 08 18, 02:25 PM

    I want to use Cubic Spline interpolator or Catmull interpolator for smooth camera movements through points without stopping. With Cubic Spline I. it does weird camera paths, and with catmull, the camera stops slowly when it become closer to the next point, but i want to do it in continuous velocity, but idk what I did wrong.

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    Jul 08 18, 09:10 PM | Last edited: Jul 08 18, 09:16 PM

    When you edit a keyframe, you can select the interpolator for that keyframe, and if that interpolator is Catmull Rom, you can also set an alpha value which is how smooth the curves are. If you set it to 0, it acts like linear interpolation; straight lines and sharp cuts. If you set it to 1, it looks more similar to the Cubic interpolator, where the motion is extremely smooth but can take detours sometimes. The default value is 0.5, I recommend tinkering with that value a bit to get the smoothness you want.

    Another trick is to move the position keyframes in time a bit. Usually weird camera paths are caused by sudden changes in velocity, so spacing them out often helps. I recommend enabling the path preview using H, then flying away a bit so you can see the full camera path, and then move around some keyframes in time until the path between them looks good.

    If that still does not help, slicedlime has a great video series about mastering the Replay Mod, and in episode 1 he talks about these types of issues.

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    Jul 08 18, 10:33 PM

    How can I put the linear path interpolator on/off? (It doesn't appears on mods options)

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    How can I put the linear path interpolator on/off? (It doesn't appears on mods options)
    Linear path interpolation is now one of the interpolation methods, you should see it in the dropdown box.

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    Jul 08 18, 10:39 PM

    But in the video at 14:15 it appears the thing that I'm talking about. I'm trying to find it but I don't see it. Also, I did the same as the video with camera paths, but it still happens.

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    Jul 10 18, 04:36 PM

    So any idea about enable linear interpolator?

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    Jul 19 18, 02:13 AM

    Double-click on the keyframe to get options for the keyframe.

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    Jul 19 18, 06:15 PM | Last edited: Jul 19 18, 07:07 PM

    Lol???? I tested Cubic Spline Interpolator again and now it doesn't do weird camera paths, just smooth paths without stopping as I wanted :D! Idk why it did this thing some days ago, but now I'm happy for fixing this problem :>