Replay Mod Forums

Custom item packs cause the replays to not load
    • User
    • 1 forum post

    May 21 18, 03:39 PM

    Hello. Today I have installed the Replay Mod. However, me being a player that tinkers with resource packs a lot, I have tried the replay mod with my Custom Tools Pack (different item texture based on their name). This causes the mod to fail to load resources, thus being unusable. I tried taking the resource pack off and coming to the conclusion that it is caused by it. Crash Report:

    • Developer
    • 1883 forum posts

    May 28 18, 11:51 AM

    Hm, looks like the forum may have screwed with your crash report. Try posting it it and linking to that paste.
    It might also help if you provide some way to download said resource pack so we can try ourselves if the issue isn't obvious from the crash report.