I'm trying to render a five second clip using the Replay Mod to use for a video I'm creating. However, every time I try to render the clip, it exports as an MP4 and I can play it on my computer, but when I try to import into Premiere Pro I get an error message: "This file has no audio or video streams."
I tried rendering some other clips and found the problem appears to have something to do with leaves. For the clips I am trying to render which include a forest, I can't import them into Premiere, while all other videos import with no issues. I tested this out using one replay recording of an area on the edge between a forest and plains biome, from which I rendered two videos in the plains biome with no leaves visible, then rendered two in the forest biome, and another two with no leaves. The rendered videos which included the forest would not import into Premiere, while the other four imported with no problem.
The videos affected by this issue can be opened on my computer and played back, the only visible problem is that I can't import them into Premiere.
Is there anything I can do to resolve this?