Normal 2D 360 with Equirectangular Rendering + Shaders renders fine, as well and normal rendering + Shaders look fine. ODS Rendering WITHOUT Shaders render normal. But when I turn on Shaders for ODS Rendering, the end result is kinda strange.
From what I'm seeing, it looks like a replicated image on 6 sides of a cube. And the replicated image looks like what the camera was pointing at.
So it's like the camera was pointing at this forest, then decided to glitch out and render just that instead of a 360 image or something.
Here's a short 17 second video I rendered and just uploaded it to youtube. it's 2048x2048 with 2xAA 30fps (or 25 I forgot)
The Shaders I was using was Continuum 1.3 + Realistico resource pack. (I've also tried SEUS Shaders, but I still got the same bug)
I'm using the latest version with 1.12.2 with Forge and Optifine.