Replay Mod Forums

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    Nov 07 17, 08:48 PM

    When I recording server gameplay mod cant render chunks after teleporting from one server to another(using compass menu on servers) and if I do not teleport the mod drops my ping from 30 to 500 and higher.
    Here is my log: (your paste tool freeze my browser so I uploaded it on my own website)

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    Nov 10 17, 10:39 AM

    For the missing chunks, see this reply. If that doesn't also solve the lag problem, please re-post the log file and be specific as to how you're measuring those numbers because, unless there's some error during recording, the ReplayMod really doesn't change latency in any perceivable way.

    The site hangs because it is trying to be smart and wants to auto-detect the syntax of whatever you post. That seems to take longer for larger files and is a lost cause for logs anyway which is why I intent to disable that feature but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    • User
    • 4 forum posts

    For the missing chunks, see this reply. If that doesn't also solve the lag problem, please re-post the log file and be specific as to how you're measuring those numbers because, unless there's some error during recording, the ReplayMod really doesn't change latency in any perceivable way.

    The site hangs because it is trying to be smart and wants to auto-detect the syntax of whatever you post. That seems to take longer for larger files and is a lost cause for logs anyway which is why I intent to disable that feature but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.