I don't know if it's even possible, because I'm not even gonna pretend to even remotely understand the simplest of codes in java.
But, something that would be awesome would be that the addon it-self scans what version of forge you're using and uses that version of Replay Mod.
Alternatively a downloader within the game it-self, where it says: "Download Replay Mod", and that in turn downloads the right version, tells you to restart the game, you restart the game and you have the right version ready to go and the downloader disables it-self if these conditions are met: "Condition 1. The latest version of the Replay Mod is installed" and "Condition 2. the Replay Mod version doesn't match the game version", if they're not met, it disables all versions of the Replay Mod except the downloader addon, and then again tells you to download the correct version and then restart the game when it's downloaded.
Again, I have absolutely no idea if it's even possible, but it makes it easier for us to get the right one, if it isn't at all possible, you can just ignore and/or delete this post.