Replay Mod Forums

Player disappearing once in a minecart
    • User
    • 1 forum post

    Aug 13 17, 03:45 AM

    Player disappearing once in a minecart. Here is the key bit of information for this bug. The player disappears once you go back in time. You can see fine before that.

    • Developer
    • 1883 forum posts

    Aug 13 17, 08:20 AM

    Can't reproduce. Just jumping backwards in time while the recording player is sitting in a minecart is working as intended. Please provide more information:
    - Minecraft, ReplayMod version
    - Other mods?
    - Is that the recording player or some other player or both?
    - Step by step instructions on when you jumped how far to where (best to also upload the replay so we can try exactly the same steps)