So, I mentioned this huge 67 gigabyte replay file but I am having trouble getting it to save properly so I can record my cinematic.
The tmp folder seems to be all there, but when the game asks me if I want to recover it, I hit yes, and naturally it takes forever because the file is huge. But, the first 5 times I tried it, it would crash part way through.
I had low disk space, so thinking that might be the problem, I cleared some space out and tried it again, this time leaving it to run on its own for an hour or two so I don't get impatient. When I get back, it's onto a second question about restoring another replay. I hit yes there, wait a bit and it looks like everything is working. But when I go into the replay viewer, it's not there. Everything is still in the tmp folder.
How can I force this to complete? I need this replay to work, it's the culmination of a LOT of work and this is the climax of the whole thing.