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Locked Is there no save?
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    Apr 15 17, 05:38 AM | Last edited: Apr 15 17, 05:40 AM

    First, really don't want to come off as whiney. I think this mod is pretty damn cool and I appreciate the developers' efforts.

    But, I just spent 4 hours meticulously setting up a camera path for a 12 minute compilation, only to lose everything because Minecraft crashed when I loaded the high res textures to start rendering. The mod is not responsible for the crash, but there doesn't seem to be a save option anywhere to save progress. It asked it I wanted to recover when I loaded it back up, but it didn't seem to do anything.

    And I pulled up other successful replays that I had rendered and there was no path saved there, either. Is there really no way to save your progress? Even if Minecraft was the picture of stability, I would still have liked to have recorded the same path I recorded once before so I can compare texture packs or improve an old video with better effects.

    Edit: not to mention the ability to stop and continue progress at a different time. I want to spend time doing effect shots, but it can take hours .

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    Apr 15 17, 09:07 AM

    Yes, there is. It's called Keyframe Repository and can, per default, be accessed by pressing X.
    The Keyframe Repository is one of the things that's being recovered on start if it hasn't been saved properly for whatever reason, so make sure to still click "Yes" when asked.

    There is no auto-save of your currently loaded keyframe preset though, so make sure to save to the Keyframe Repository every five minutes or so. Auto-saving is a thing that we will definitely add in the future.

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    Apr 15 17, 03:11 PM

    Ahh, there it is. I did see that on the list of things, but there was a keybinding conflict so it didn't work. Thanks!

    Autosave would be great, but as long as there's a manual save, it's all good.