Replay Mod Forums

same points/last point editing =>crash (help/bug?)
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    Mar 05 17, 11:17 PM

    Hello :)

    I play Skyfactory 3 with the Replaymod (therefor I updated Surge for it to work)
    Everything is working properly except the following:
    I want to fly in a cirlce around an object. I calculated 4 coordinates around the middle point.
    Now I set up all 4 points in the Replaymod (by editing the point so the coordinates and stuff is lined up perfectly) and now I'm about to set up the 5th point which is the same point as the first one except it's a bit later on the timeline.
    When I'm about to hit save in the editing window of that point it crashes (tried 10 times already - crashed every single time).
    I assume that the problem is either way that you can't have 2 exact same points or there is something wrong coded and you can't save / edit the last point

    Spoiler: Crash Log

    I tried to test if editing the last point will result in a crash so I added a point behind - Then I wanted to get the exact coordinates so I opened point one => crash
    Spoiler: Crash Log Opening point one edit window