Replay Mod Forums

Rewinding taking a long time
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    Jan 04 17, 03:50 PM

    I have a problem with rewinding any replay I've saved. CrushedPixel had already said it could take a while, but rewinding just a second takes around 10-20 seconds. Does anyone else have this problem, is it normal and if you don't have this issue-What are you PC specs? I've got an AMD A10-7800 with a GTX 1070 (Yes, it bottlenecks but I couldn't upgrade both). I'm using the latest 1.10 version of the Replaymod with the recommended Forge version.

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    Jan 04 17, 08:24 PM

    How long it takes isn't affected by how far you jump back, but rather by how late in the replay you're travelling to, as it has to re-send everything from the beginning when jumping back in time.

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    in response to User1


    Jan 05 17, 11:18 AM

    I have downloaded a few other replays and I did not have the same issue with them. I think the issue isn't the time that it has to re-send everything (the replay was around 3 min. long and I was around 2 min. in), but the work it has to do in the 2 min. I was playing on a server and had short PvP games of 20-30s and I was TP'ed to different world everytime. I think the jumping between worlds takes a long time to load. Thanks for your answer, but it looks like this problem can't be fixed :(