Hi all, is there any way to render 360° videos (Cubic, Equirectangular...) with Shaders? Default rendering can work with ShadersMod to add multiple shaders, but I'm not sure if it's possible for 360° mode in latest, or future version :)
It's quite straight forward. Just render a 360° video as usual with shaders enabled.
This doesn't work for ODS videos though, only Cubic and Equirectangular.
Thanks! I'd just missed the newer versions of ReplayMod. The latest dev version works good in 1.10, but there's some render problem with some shaders in Cubic and Equirectangular mode. There will be obvious dark shadows in the cubic edges, which looks really weird in VR.
Here the comparison of multiple shaders, and the only shader that has no shadow edge is KUDA 6.4.
This is because some of the shaders you were using add a Vignette. Since we're stitching the image together from 6 pictures (one for each direction), you end up with those Vignettes in the 360° video. Try removing the vignette from the shader code or use a Shader that doesn't have a Vignette.
This is because some of the shaders you were using add a Vignette. Since we're stitching the image together from 6 pictures (one for each direction), you end up with those Vignettes in the 360° video. Try removing the vignette from the shader code or use a Shader that doesn't have a Vignette.
Er...bad news, find some other problem in some shaders -_-
In KUDA 6.4, a partial cubic will shown when facing the sun. This might due to some Lens Flare effect, but didn't found any in *.fsh in the shaders file.
And in KUDA 5.3, the cubic still exists with VIGNETTE, LENS_EFFECTS removed. Really confusing...
Dec 04 16, 11:30 PM | Last edited: Dec 04 16, 11:31 PM
Yeah, that Lens effect does kinda effect the Video, unless the viewer isn`t paying attention to the sun. I don`t know how to remove it either. I wonder if there`s a way to feather it out in editing software. But it happened in one of my 360 Shaders Video.
There`s probably a way, maybe ask one of the Shaders developers to make a Version for 360 Videos so it won`t do that? :)
Or just get rid of it in Code.