Replay Mod Forums

Replays with slash in name are saved in subfolder
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    • 31 forum posts

    Jun 21 17, 09:14 PM

    Replay Mod version: 1.12-2.0.0-b7
    Forge version: 1.12-forge1.12-
    Environment: Windows 10

    When renaming a Replay, and a / is used in its name, then it treats the / as if it pointing to a subfolder. For example, when renaming a Replay to this:
    Minigames part 1/2 with friends
    it will be saved like this:
    /replay_recordings/Minigames part 1/2 with friends.mcpr.

    This causes the Replay to disappear from the list in the Replay Viewer, making it look like it has been accidentally deleted.

    A possible solution to this problem is to use percent-encoding:
    /replay_recordings/Minigames part 1%2F2 with friends.mcpr

    Another possible solution is to disallow a / to be used in the name of a Replay.