Hello everybody!
First of all I'm new to replaymod, but I'm simply loving the possibility of making good videos for my mega minecraft project! Also it's great that i can put it working with Optifine, in Fabric loader, so everything works great, and i can use shaders in rendering, to give the ambience i pretend on my footage!
The problem is: I can't see the rendering progress, or interact with that window. Please have a look to what appears when I start rendering:

My rendering settings are this ones:

I´m on Mac OSX, the Minecraft is Java Edition, it's updated to 1.14.4, the Fabric Loader is 0.7.2+build174,, and the mods that are on Mods folder are:
Please help me to solve this problem. If i force close the minecraft java window, the render will be ok on the mp4 generated file, but most of the times incomplete, because i really can't know if it is rendered or not, it's annoying. I think I can contribute a little bit for this community with my videos that I have in mind, to give people the opportunity to know about ReplayMod and how great can be videos from minecraft ;)